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The Cortaflex difference

Cortaflex overcomes the problems with the large molecules of Glucosamine and Chondroitin by providing these already broken down into their smaller component amino acids and aminosaccharides leading to a much more efficient absorbtion and effective usage.


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What makes Cortaflex the no.1 selling joint supplement?

Everyone knows that Glucosamine and Chondroitin are good for the joints as they help the body repair the worn or damaged cartilage, which is the cause of arthritic pain and stiffness, and improve the quality of the joint lubricating fluid. The trouble is: this "knowledge" comes from a lot of research that has been done into the effects of INJECTING forms of these compounds directly into the joints - a SURGICAL procedure!

There is a big difference between injecting Glucosamine into the joints and taking it orally ie. swallowing it! In spite of this, there are many pills, potions and supplements containing these two substances, all riding on the back of the research into the surgical procedures mentioned above. However, it does not follow that taking something orally will have the same effect as injecting it into a joint. Something taken orally has to be digested, absorbed into the bloodstream and then find its way from the bloodstream into the cells of the joints, where its needed.

This is a particular problem in the case of Glucosamine and Chondroitin because they are made up of very large and complex molecules: too large to pass through the small pores in the blood capillary walls. Imagine trying to get a football through a hole the size of a tennis ball! As a result the molecules get "stuck" in the bloodstream and then simply pass out of the body as waste!

How does Cortaflex overcome this problem?

The large molecules of Glucosamine and Chondroitin are actually made up of combinations of much smaller components - specific amino acids and aminosaccharides - which are themselves naturally occurring in the body.

Cortaflex scientists pioneered a radical new approach to overcome this problem: take the large molecules of Glucosamine and Chondroitin and break them down into those smaller component parts, specifically: Glucuronic Acid, Proline, Glutamic Acid, L-Glutamine, Aspartic Acid and Glycene. These are the amino acids and aminosaccharides which you will see listed within the ingredients of all forms of Cortaflex - human and canine. Being smaller in size than Glucosamine, these molecules easily pass from the bloodstream into the cells of the joints and provide the raw materials the cells need to repair cartilage and rejuvenate the lubricating (Synovial) fluid.

Delivering Glucosamine and Chondroitin to the cells of the joints...

Cortaflex for people - Cortaflex for dogs and cats

Description: Cortaflex - Glucosamine for arthritis, joint pain and stiff joints. Find out how Cortaflex works and what makes it the number 1 selling, and most effective, joint supplement.

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" may like to know how we are getting on with Cortaflex. Although it did seem to take quite some time before we could tell a difference, we are now absolutely delighted with the results on our Labrador, and my father and I have been using the human cortaflex with amazing results also - its like I have new knees!"
Lesley Rush, Cornwall


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Cortaflex for people

Cortaflex for dogs


how cortaflex works, glucosamine, arthritis, cortaflex, joint pain, stiff joints