Cookie Policy and Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Firstly, your personal data is never shared with anyone... ever!

What personal data do we get from you?

  • When you place an order we get your name, postal address, email address and details of what you have ordered. We use this to process and send your order and, when we need to, communicate with you about the order.
  • When you contact us we get your name, email address and details of your query. We use this to communicate with you about your query.

This data is not stored online and we only use it for the purposes detailed above. We do not keep this data any longer than necessary.

  • When you add yourself to our mailing list we record the date you joined, your name and your email address. You then have to respond to an email that we send to you - to confirm that it is you - otherwise your details are deleted. We only use this information to let you know of the special offers and deals that we run from time to time... on average we might email you once or twice a year! You can remove yourself from our mailing list any time (just by sending an email telling us to remove you) and any email we send you also gives instructions about this.

Cookie Policy

Yes, like most modern websites, we do use cookies.

  1. We use a necessary cookie, without which our website would not function.
    • This cookie enables you to add items to your shopping basket, and remembers them, while you move from page to page and then to our checkout.
  2. We use PayPal for all transactions and they set cookies through our website so that your shopping basket gets transferred to them when you complete a purchase. You do not enter ANY personal information while on our website - only when you get to PayPal's secure payment page.
  3. We have a Facebook page and they use cookies to add functionallity to our website: you can see how many "likes" we have and give you a simple way to "like" our website through your facebook page.
  4. Like most websites, we use Google Analytics to see how visitors use our website. We do this to gain a better understanding of our visitors navigate our website, so that over time, we can improve/streamline our website for you. This involves the use of Google's cookies but, again, no personally identifiable information is involved - it is anonymous.

All of the above cookies - apart from number 1, the necessary cookie - can be disabled in your browser settings and we will soon provide you with a simple method of doing this.

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